I honestely didn’t realize people used MySpace anymore, but Kelis used her’s recently to strike back at PETA. After being photographed in the furry get up above last week, Kelis was hit with a letter from the animal rights organization PETA. You remember them dontcha?
They’re the same fruitcakes who want the younger generation to tatt up their bodies instead of wearing fur & leather in their “Ink Not Mink” campaigns which I’ve featured HERE and HERE.
Well….never one to shy away from voicing her opinion, Kelis wrote a blasting response to PETA where she talks about her love of meat and is unapologetic about clothing herself in luxurious minks and chinchillas. It’s a long read, but hilarious nontheless.
There is no humane way to kill anything, let me start there. It’s unfortunate but it’s part of life. With that being said, I would eat pterodactyl if you found some and you told me it was meaty and delicious. And after doing a very minimal amount of research……. I found out that the founder Ingrid Newkirk is completely batty. I had a feeling but she far exceeded my expectations. I mean certifiably insane! Lol this chicks will is nuts, google it – it’s a riot! Beyond the fact that I think she’s a diabetic, which means she needs insulin, which is taken from lab pigs (I know this because my sister happens to be in veterinary school), which would be completely hypocritical. It’s like don’t abuse animals unless it can help me.
I feel very strongly about a lot of things such as the sweatshops that spin cotton and the blood on their hands. Btw it’s not just the look of fur. It’s warm as hell and feels glorious, ever rubbed faux fur on your body? Nothing luxurious about that. Then the letter proceeded to name artist and designers who don’t wear real fur. Great! More for me! I don’t judge them, don’t judge me.
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